Technologist Customer Technical Service, Americas

Renee Roper
Joined Infineum in 1999

I am fortunate to have worked for Exxon Chemical, Paramins and continued with Infineum when the joint venture was formed in 1999. I joke with colleagues that during my time here I have worked in every Infineum business unit except Marine. I think it is unique to have had such a variety of experiences; however it is one of the benefits of working for this organisation that employees are able to explore very different roles. I began my career in MFT and transitioned to roles in Technology, and Marketing. I even worked in finance for a short time as I hold an MBA in Finance as well as Bachelors and Master degrees in Chemical Engineering. 

I have found that fundamental technical skills developed in MFT were transferable to Technology. Component and formulation science technical knowledge and marketing skills, plus external customer focus learned early in my career in small engine and automatic transmission fluids, were transferable to other business segments such as passenger cars, commercial vehicles, large engines and fuels. However, I have to say, the key to successfully moving between many roles has been the willingness of colleagues to mentor and train me in unfamiliar areas. Infineum colleagues are always happy to educate, assist and train others.

Throughout my career, I have identified my strengths and built upon them, identifying roles that fit my personality, foster my creativity and challenge me. I have learned valuable lessons when I have found myself in roles that were not quite right for me before moving on. I have also learned that sometimes I need to be the catalyst in developing a role so that it is truly fulfilling to me.

I believe colleagues should take full advantage of open resourcing and informal networks to manage their careers. And they should volunteer for opportunities to expand their knowledge and influence by working on cross functional projects. As a relatively small organisation Infineum offers the benefit of being able to get involved across multiple functions, regions, and levels. I have greatly enjoyed taking full advantage of that opportunity over my career.

  • Year


  • Manufacturing Technology- Dispersants

  • Marketing Technical Service Representative Power Transmission Fluids

  • Group Leader- Marketing Technical Service Power Transmission Fluids

  • Market Planner- Small Engine

  • Marketing Technical Service Manager- PCMO

  • Market Manager/Crankcase (VM-LOFI)

  • Market Planner/Marketing (Specialties)

  • Market Planner/Marketing > Sales & Marketing (Fuels Growth)

  • Market Development Manager/Sales & Marketing (Fuels Growth)

  • Business Analyst/Sales & Marketing

  • Business Advisor/Finance (Business Analysis)

Typical day at Infineum

My typical day at Infineum revolves around interaction with customers by skype and email. My customers are medium-size US customers that rely heavily on us for technical guidance. Each day I answer one-off questions from customers and progress longer-term projects. Questions from customers include product recommendations, requests for approvals, and information on industry or OEM requirements. Longer term projects involve requesting oils to be blended and tested and then documenting and communicating results to customers. The most rewarding part of my job is helping customers – it’s so satisfying being able to help them solve their challenges.  The collaboration and creativity is excellent!

Describe the culture at Infineum

The culture at Linden’s technology organisation is very supportive and collaborative. Colleagues have open doors, chat in the hallways and don’t object to being interrupted by someone asking questions. There is a great deal of sharing information and group problem-solving not only in formal meetings but also in hallways and offices.

Next Sustainability Implementation Lead, Germany